RATvolution is a dark 2D game with elements of platformer and JRPG. The combat is a simple turn-based system.

You are waiting for a dark and unfair world of tiny rats, which is full of destruction. You play as a rat, who is gradually going crazy. All that is required of you is to survive to the end at any cost!

If you have any difficulties: 

To fight you must press the “Fight” button on the left and then click on the enemy in front of you.


WASD - Move

Shift - Sprint

Space - Jump

E - Pick up Med and Armor kits, Open doors

Rate on Ludum Dare!

Ludum Dare 56: Jam (3 days)


Code, art - Teamofey Izorsky

Animations - Sasik

Music - emo_drain_2009



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fun game, like the atmosphere of it 


на протяжении игры с трудом понимал, что вообще происходит, но было очень весело! удачи вам, ребята!


cool! In three days, I think this is a very good result. Among the bugs, I noticed that health and armor kits are restored after the battle, even if you have already picked them up in the level, and I also broke the animation of the rat and it was stuck on the jump animation. Good luck with all your future projects!


theres a dupe glitch with kits.

everytime you enter a fight they respawn.

so if you pick them up, enter a fight, win, and pick them up again. you have pretty much infinite kits (though since you cant get to the ones behind the fight, its mostly health kits)